For more than 20 years, SIONI RHYS HANDWEAVERS have defined and promoted the art of Welsh handweaving - creating traditional Welsh patterned bed covers in pure new wool.
The 'carthen', as it is called, has a quite different use in modern times. It can be used as a throw, a picnic rug - or even a comforter to the limbs in chilly weather.
These carthenni from Sioni Rhys Handweavers perpetuate a tradition of wool weaving for which this district on the edge of the famous Black Mountains is renowned.
Traditional handlooms are employed to make the natural fibre fabrics of all Sioni Rhys Handweavers products. Combining age-old and modern techniques, you can be sure that every Sioni Rhys Handweavers item will last a lifetime, and give continuous pleasure.
